Sunday, March 27, 2011

light my fire

It began with a feeling. An idea. I applied wood. Less nail more rope. And there was light. Simple and natural. By hand and awl, made in three easy steps - a lamp was born. Find a gourd. Place small holes, plug a wire - have another one...
This explains the RAZ DVA "effect" in general - the missing T(h)ree. The blog was created to be a virtual showroom for handmade lamps, not a random photo-gathering. But as my friend and colleague, Forrest Gump, says: "Life is like box of chocolates... You never know what you're gonna get!", so neither a photographer I am nor an artist. Just enjoying the smell of leather, analog camera case. What happen when I hit the trigger, is the moment I promulgate mine. Your perception.

work in progress...

1 comment:

  1. They all look just great, keep up the good work!
    You know you've got fans! :-)
